the greatest story ever told

Five talks explaining the essential message of Christianity
based on a parable Jesus told about two sons


Filmed at All Souls Langham Place, London in 2019.

Click here to download the discussion guide accompanying this talk series.


Resurrection Revolution

Why does the resurrection of Jesus Christ change everything?
Exploring the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus and the life-changing difference it makes.

Recorded at Resurrection Revolution, All Souls Langham Place, April 2023


Part 1. The Prison Cell
When a condemned man hears words of forgiveness he experiences freedom to live a new life. That’s the story of Barabbas who was pardoned when Jesus was condemned.
A talk by Tobias Brown explaining the forgiveness Jesus pays for and offers with his dying breath in Luke chapter 23.

Part 2. The Graveyard
On Easter Day the tomb Jesus had been buried in was found empty and the world changed forever.
A talk by Suze Arulogun explaining the evidence and implications of Jesus’ resurrection in Luke 24:1-12.

Part 3. The Highway
When Jesus died many of his followers left Jerusalem dejected. But then the great turnaround happens as they discover that Jesus has risen to life and they rush back to the city.
A talk by Sue Stamper-Iveson on the transformation that happens as people encounter the risen Jesus in Luke 24:13-35.

Part 4. The Dining Room
What if the eternal life that Jesus promises is not only true but freely available and totally wonderful? Does that change everything?
A talk by Andrew Baughen on the promises the risen Jesus makes to his disciples in Luke 24:36-53

Introducing Luke
When we have something important to tell others, it matters that we get our facts straight.
This talk introduces why Luke wrote his gospel and why we can trust it.

The Art of Resurrection
Christine Armstrong interviews Candice Jagoe about her art and how it reveals the revolutionary truths of Jesus resurrection.